Question: How
is ClearTract shipped?
Answer: All orders are shipped in plain
envelopes and boxes with no mention of the product name.
Question: Is
your server secure? Is it safe to order online?
Answer: Absolutely, our site uses 128 bit encryption
the highest level of internet security available to protect you and
your credit card numbers.
Question: What
if it doesn't work? Is there a guarantee?
Answer: Yes. We offer the only guarantee of its kind
in the business. If you do not achieve your desired results, simply
return ClearTract as directed for a refund. No questions asked. There
is no reason to read the small print because there is no small print.
We stand squarely behind this product
because we know it works.
Question: I
would like to order ClearTract but I don't feel comfortable ordering
online, what can I do?
Answer: Call us at 800.730.0971. We
have customer
care representatives available 9-5 PST 5 days a week to help
you order by phone.
Question: How
much ClearTract do I need to order?
Answer: A single bottle is designed to
be enough for one episode or a month of maintenance.
Question: Can
I take ClearTract with other medications?
Answer: The doctor who originated the
formula knows of no conflict, but you should ask your doctor if there would be a
conflict as we can not give medication advice.
About Us
Founded in 1998, we are known for our innovative product line. We are located
in the Howard Hughes Center in Nevada. We manufacture our product in a state of the art facility under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Good Manufacturing Practices, or "G.M.P."
About our Manufacturing Facility
We manufacture our product in a state of the art facility under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Good Manufacturing Practices, or "G.M.P."
Before you buy any drug, medical food or dietary supplement, always ask whether it was manufactured under FDA GMP Standards.